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Bulk Order of Lithium (LFP) Cells

The raw lithium cells have come down significantly in price, and with large orders freight costs are spread thinly. There are many reasons this is exciting:


  • Lithium is better value than lead batteries. They store more power than lead per dollar, and last much longer. You can use the full capacity and fully discharge lithium batteries without hurting them. With this bulk order, you get high quality power storage for around 50% of the front-end cost for equivalent high-end batteries.

  • You can upgrade the old lead acid bank with more efficient lithium chemistry. With lead acid batteries, for every unit of energy you put into your battery (from sun or generator) you only get 70% back out. Lithium boasts 99% round trip efficiency; for every unit of energy you put in you get very nearly one out. Additionally, the high current charging means they can charge more quickly with the available solar and more steadily from a generator to maximize the generator running for fuel efficiency and longevity. 

  • Many manufacturers are buying inexpensive Lithium cells that are used, salvaged, or factory rejects - then packaging them in a case and selling as new. These are top of the line, brand new grade A cells - purchased from the factory, EVE. I will pair these cells with high quality components so you get quality and value.

  • 8000 cycle life with 80% depth of discharge. You could fully cycle these every day from 100% to 20% for 22 years and still have 70% of your original capacity remaining.

  • Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP or LiFePO4) is much safer than its predecessor Lithium Ion. Thermal runaway events and self-ignition are not possible. I will assemble the packs will with attention to detail and regard for safety.

  • LFP has been around since the mid 90s, but because of recent advancements in they come out as the top chemistry. 


The raw cells will be assembled into a battery built to your needs, along with a high quality BMS (Battery Management System) – a requirement of all lithium batteries to ensure safe, reliable, and long term battery operation. Depending on your configuration, the price is for an assembled pack will be ~$320/kWh, including tax, shipped to the Island. Actual prices will depend on the size of the group purchase. Timeline likely early January.


If you are interested, get in touch: . – Mitch Prior

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