September 2024
Fall Fair - September 21, 2024
It’s that time of year when we are vying for space in our drying racks, feeling anxious about canning fruits before they spoil, and basking in our bounty and good fortune.
Let’s celebrate together the change in seasons at the Fall Fair on 21 September. All proceeds go to the LCA for a major overhaul of the Community Hall’s plumbing system.
The success of the Fair, like most things Lasquetian, depends on all of us. So, if you’d like to create a display, contact Hilary
Or, if you’d like to organize or help with a competition or pageant, contact Jenny
Like last year, food will be supplied by vendors and volunteer contributions. If you’d like to sell your yummy foods or would like to donate a pot of soup or chili OR dessert, or veggies for others to cook with, contact Dana Or how about getting together with your friends with fruit trees to co-create a big roasting pan of crisp!
Here’s a taste of some of the things to look forward to:
visiting with friends, old and new
pie, jam, salsa contests (organized by Dana A.)
chicken pageant (organized by Dana A.)
wine tasting
geology/archaeology table — bring your artifacts or rocks for identification by an off-island expert
fire and forest history of Lasqueti
N-S end tug-o-war
relay races
heart and soul-warming food
Following the daytime festivities, we’ll gather inside to feast on yummy (donated) desserts. With a sugar-buzz, we’ll be ready to dance to the tunes of Palace Band!