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Friday Night Family Meal

by Provisions

It's a pleasure to announce Family Meal Fridays, a monthly event offering dining, games, and music on the last Fridays of the month at the Community Hall! There will be traditional board games (Pictionary, chess, Twister, Monopoly, etc.), card games, a colouring area, air hockey, and table foosball. Feel free to bring your own games or contact us for other suggestions.


There will also be an Acoustic Circle Jam for musicians. We will have a variety of instruments to play and a microphone with amps for those of you who want to sing or strum. Beginners don't be shy; show us your stuff. 


Thanks to those who helped with the last Family Meal on February 23rd: Chris, Doug, Dave, Bruce, Sallumia, Audrey, Norm, Ezra and Jade,  as well as the team at the cafe who helped with the prep.  If we missed someone, know that you are hugely appreciated as well.


There is a yearly fee of $2 per person to become a member; and after that entry is $1 per month. If you have small bills or change, please bring these for entry payments and dinner. There are now 50 members of the Family Meal supper club andnext month we expect it to grow larger.


We are not hosting these events to make money; this is another effort to create an affordable food event for the community to enjoy. With the basic costs of food as well as the creation, transportation, and storage of food rising to gross heights, we are committed to providing opportunities to the island to come together and enjoy a tasty meal at an affordable price.


Finally, we've recently had members of the community step forward to sponsor meals for those who might enjoy a monthly dinner.  Because of this, we'll be sending out prepaid meals thanks to heir generosity. If you want to help out with the next round of pre-paid meals, please contact us before the end of the month.


Thank you SO much to everyone who supports these functions. It's remarkable and a testament to the power of our islands’ social circles! See you on Friday, March 29th! Looking forward to sitting by a toasty fire, dining and playing together. - much 🖤 False Bay Provisions

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