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Image by Mrika Selimi

A Page of Poems

by Lasqueti Poets

Ahoy Hoy Maties an’ Salty Dogs 
(sung to the "Gilligan's Island" theme song)

🎶 Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale,
A tale of a fateful trip.
That started from the French Creek port,
Aboard the Centurion ship,
the mighty Centurion ship. 🚢

🎶The skipper was a mighty sailor man,
The passengers brave and sure.
But the ship churned in the chuck that day,
Shooting for Lasqueti's shore,
Lasqueti's faraway shore. 🎵

🎶The wind was really getting rough,
The tiny ship was tossed.
If not for the courage of the fearless crew,
The Centurion would be lost,
the ferry would be lost.

🎶Passengers got queasy then,
As stormy seas did toss.
If not for the grit of this motley crew,
They'd all have lost their sauce,   they didn't wanna lose their sauce. 🤢

🎵The crew were brave, their spirits high,
they faced each twist and turn.
With dogs barking on the wet back deck,
passengers cheered from the stern,

   had beers at the stern. 🎶

🎶As they spied the dock, through the storm,

   their hearts begin to glow, 
Relieved to be back on the rock, 
and some solid ground below,
some mossy ground down below. 🎵

Rain falling down, with a sigh, they hauled stuff to the shed, then chopped wood and lit a fire,
Before they could get to bed,
With an aspirin for their heads,
Oh shoot we forgot to buy aspirin for our heads. 🎵

🎶So join us here each week, my friend,
You're sure to get a smile.
From the adventures of this crazy bunch,
Here on Lasqueti Isle! 
That zany Lasqueti Isle! 🎵

-Adam Enright

Sid the giraffe after taking a bath,
Embarked on a trip to the mall.
Twas just other day, he heard elephant say,
“There’s a new store called beasts, big and tall.”
A giraffe with a passion for the latest in fashion,
Must take stock of every hip shop.
Without further delay, and half week’s pay, 
he’s off to buy a funky new top. 
In posh foreign labels and hat made of sable, all he needs now is a scarf.
Then others would say as he passed their way,
“By Jove, that’s one dapper giraffe!”
– Jamie Smith


On Islands


The other day

I heard someone say

our lives are controlled by



-Sue Wheeler

Moonlit Night, January

Bootprints in snow

from the porch 

to where the truck

had been parked.


Tire tracks turning east

not west, out of the driveway.


So few secrets on an island.


-Sue Wheeler

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